Monday, December 5, 2011

It's Been A Long Time ...

I’ve been gone.

For a long time. (Long Time In Blog World = 12 days).

For my few, but greatly loved, readers (who are mostly my friends that are obligated to read my blog), my bad. Don’t give up on me yet.During my hiatus, I was busy. Like really, really busy. Busy thinking, busy smiling and giggling, busy oscillating between family and friends, and my love. And, while part of what I’ve been doing wasn’t all that extraordinary, part of it truly was amazing and awesome.

Let’s just talk about the amazing and awesome stuff today.

Now, if you’re working off of the notion that a woman that lives with two cats, consistently takes pictures of said cats, occasionally blogs about her cats and shares her ice cream with her cats is a cat lady, and you believe that the definition of a cat lady is a single, sad woman, you may think that I am in fact a cat lady. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not a cat lady (at least by that definition).

I am … engaged!! How amazing is that?

Anddd, how amazing is this?!

The reason I have not talked about my relationship to date is for two different reasons. First, it’s because my other half wants / needs to remain anonymous. It’s for their work. It’s for their safety and our security. It is what it is.

Secondly, if you’re even a semi-loyal reader, you know that this blog has been kind of all over the place. I never know what to write about. Music? Kitties? Food? Crafts? While I usually never know exactly what to write about, I know that that I didn’t start a blog to talk about my relationship and all things lovey-dovey (all the time). I wanted a place to come to talk about my interests and activities, my likes and dislikes, and my random meaningless / meaningful thoughts. That being said, there are days and moments in my life that are irrevocably colored by my relationship, so much so that it seems so artificial and fake to never talk about my relationship here.

Overall, my blog is just that. It’s mine. It’s for me. The person I’m with doesn’t have an interest in capturing every microscopic and macroscopic going-ons of their day. That’s all me. Now, I struggled a lot on how to maintain the anonymity of my fiancé.

So, here’s what we’ll do:

- Hereafter, my fiancé will be called “Ray” for all intents and purposes. It’s short and sweet, and if you know me / my fiancé, I’m sure you’ve already cracked my brilliant code.

- “Ray” will be around, clandestinely*. If you’re lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of “Ray.” It’ll be very How I Met Your Mother-esque.

(For those of you that don’t get the reference, the show has been on for years and you never actually see the mother, you just hear about her. All you get to see are like pieces of her … I think one episode they showed her ankle or something. It was a big deal**).

Whew. Glad that’s out of the way. I feel a lot lighter now. Now, next week, when I’m back on my blogging game, I can share snippets of what happened with me and Ray over this few days. There was the engagement, Thanksgiving, and more! There are pictures, there are recipes, and it’s all a really good time.

* I absolutely love the word clandestine. I think it’s so pretty. It
sounds almost like a name. Clandestine is just a fancy way to say
covert or sneakily.

** I’ve never seen one full episode of HIMYM but I remember the ankle
thing being a big deal. I did employ my savvy Googling skills – some
sources say it was an ankle, others say it was the entire foot.


Sean Robles said...

I, being one of the loyal readers, love all things this blog. I do want to clarify to those none-close-friend readers that Ray is not one of the cats. Lol. THAT would definitely make you a legit crazy cat woman. However, your next cat should be named Clandestine. :) Happy engagement!

Jonna said...

Sean, thank you so much for that clarification.

And, I think Ray and I are good on the cat front. There's talk of a doggie. Sigh.

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