Blogs I Love

My blog is a by-product of my love of blogs. Here are some blogs that I love:

The Pioneer Woman. For those of you that don't know, The Pioneer Woman is a blog written and managed by Ree Drummond. This woman ... is awesome. She went from being a city girl, to marrying the man of her dreams (and living on a ranch and raising four kids). Now, she spends her days uploading recipes, gorgeous photos, and telling us all tales from the ranch. Check it out if you get a chance. You'll undoubtedly end up wanting to make one of her recipes.

So Delushious. This blog is written by model Chrissy Teigen, who is also the girlfriend of R&B singer John Legend. I learned about this blog because I follow Chrissy on Twitter. And the girl is ... hilarious. She's blunt, straightforward, opinionated, and loves to drink. She is a girl after my own heart, I swear. She is also a foodie and posts recipes from time to time. And her recipes are delish. Ray and I made her scalloped potatoes for Thanksgiving and we were in heaven.

Can You Stay for Dinner? This blog is written by the most adorable 26-year-old ever, Andie Mitchell. She is fun, she is successful, she's the kind of girl you'd want to make your best friend. She is also someone that dropped half (yep, half) her body weight by simply developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise. It's very neat. And her recipes are good for you too.

Single Dad Laughing. I learned about this blog from the blog post, "I'm Christian, Unless You're Gay." (It's a great read, regardless of your sexuality). Dan Pearce is a single dad to the most beautiful little boy. I truly admire this blogger's candor. His blogs read like a stream of consciousness, which is refreshing.

Mirror, Mirror ... Off The Wall. This girl's got some cajones. After battling some body image issues, Kjerstin Gruys committed to going one calendar year without looking in a mirror. Can I also add that during this year, homegirl got MARRIED? And didn't look in a mirror. I'm telling you, cajones. Her blog is an account of that journey, and it's a really cool and inspiring read.

Thought Catalog. This blog is put together by numerous contributors. They blog about virtually everything. The first post that hooked me to this blog was this one about Lady Gaga.  While some of the posts aren't really things that I find interesting, personally, I do find posts that really make me ... think. If you've got time on your hands, it's definitely a good place to stop by.


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