About the Blogger

Let me say for the record that I loathe “About Me” sections. writing “About Me” sections. I never know what to put. But, I know that, if done right, it helps people get a feel for who I am. So here goes nothing, 26 things about little ol’ me, in no particular order:

  1. I’m 26. I think 27 sounds pretty dang old. I recognize that I’ll turn 27 in 8 months, whether I like it or not.
  2. I am a central Texan, born and raised. I’ve travelled to many U.S. states and even ventured to Canada and Europe, but I always come right back.
  3. I have an aversion to change. See #2.
  4. At every restaurant I frequent, I have a go-to meal I order. It’s trusty, it’s consistent, and I like that. See #3.
  5. I’m in a long-distance relationship. I believe that, while sucky at times, long-distance relationships can be one of the most self-enriching circumstances ever. If it weren’t for my relationship, this blog wouldn’t exist, I wouldn’t have the close friendships, both old and new, that I cherish so much, and I wouldn’t have ever made cool stuff like this. (To learn a bit more about my relationship, check out this.)
  6. I don’t believe you can have enough friends. Ever.
  7. I love music. I love listening to music. I almost always have my iPod and a pair of headphones in my purse. 
  8. I tend to shy away from things that are for a “limited time only” because I’m afraid I’ll like them and will only be able to get them once a year.
  9. I got a Master’s in Communication Studies. If I had to pick my single greatest accomplishment, this would be it.
  10. I have hoarder tendencies. I don’t like to throw things away. You never know when you might need that receipt or that extra bubble wrap!
  11. I love inspirational sports movies, even though I know almost nothing about sports.
  12. My TV is almost always tuned to MTV, Bravo, or VH1. If you’ve got a reality TV show, send it my way. I’ll probably love it.
  13. When my TV isn’t tuned to one of those channels, I’m probably watching episodes from Friends or Grey’s Anatomy.
  14. I am on a mission to find the perfect, all-occasion white belt.
  15. I’m not really religious, but I believe in kindness, compassion, love, and selflessness.
  16. I’m messy and scatterbrained, a tragic combination. At any given moment, I do not know where my keys or check card are.
  17. I am a self-proclaimed cat lady. I have two, Paisley and Augie. Cats rule and dogs drool. Literally.
  18. I live in solid-colored tops, flat shoes, and my pearl earrings.
  19. In my humble opinion, Lady Gaga is one of the best singer / songwriters of all time.
  20. I practice Bikram yoga. Halfway through class I’m usually regretting my decision to go to class. After class, I am rejoicing in my decision to go. (More information on my Bikram practice can be found here and here).
  21. I believe that no trip to Austin is complete without pizza from Homeslice and a PBR.
  22. If there’s queso in the vicinity, you can bet I’ll dip my fries and chicken wings in it.
  23. My Apple products (an iPod, an iPhone, and a MacBook) make me happy.
  24. Even if there are no groceries in my apartment, there will be Vitamin Water in the fridge and red wine on the counter.
  25. I love purses that are as big as my torso.
  26. I will laugh out loud if I hear a good pun. Here’s one: 
What does a nosey pepper do?
Gets jalapeno business!


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