About the Blog

I started this blog in October 2011 because I was / am so envious of individuals that have managed to make a career out of blogging. I think it’s incredibly awesome that someone can carve out a corner of the Internet, call it their own, and somehow draw people to visit their corner on a regular basis because they are informative, interesting, or funny. I just think that it’s amazing and inspiring and I wanted to give it a go.

To date, this blog is far from a career. This is the kind of blog where posts get written hastily during my lunch break from my bill-paying job. This is also the kind of blog that gets written late at night over a glass of wine while watching something horrendous on Bravo. But, I’m hoping that my readers find that endearing, typos and all.

If you’re reading this that means you’ve been poking around my blog (which makes me smile). And what you’ve probably come to know is that this blog is a hot mess. It’s all over the place. It’s like a box of chocolates. You never ever know what you’re gonna get from me. But, like eating through a box of chocolates, you always find some little nuggets of goodness in the mix.


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