
As an avid New Year’s resolution-maker, I figured I’ll write them down and add them to my blog this year. Hopefully, this will help keep them in the forefront of my mind throughout the year and keep me accountable to you guys, and myself.

Resolution #1 – Visit My Parents Once a Month

Rationale: In all my life, I’ve never lived more than two hours from my parents. And somehow, even with this proximity, I rarely see my parents if it’s not an occasion (a holiday or someone’s birthday). I feel bad about not making them a priority and I really want to change that. So, no matter how inconvenient or how much I want to re-watch every episode of Real Housewives, I will journey home and see them every month, even if it’s just for dinner.

Resolution #2 – Attend a Bikram Yoga Class Four Times a Week (Or More)

Rationale: The rationale for this is two-fold. First, I love it. I feel better inside and out when I go. I feel calmer, I feel happier, and as cliché as this sounds, I feel more at peace. Second, I pay for it. That ish isn’t cheap, either. And there is nothing worse than seeing that monthly debit and knowing that you wasted a lot of that cash. My plan is to go four times a week. Take a look at this:

4 Classes a Week X 52 Weeks = 208 Classes

That’s a lot of yoga. Here’s more math:

208 Classes X 90 Minutes = 18, 720 minutes or 312 hours in the “hot room”

That’s a lot of HOT yoga.

I’m up for the challenge, though.

Resolution #3 – Eat Out Four Times a Week (Or Less)

Rationale: Eating out is expensive. Eating out isn’t all that healthy. That’s really it. I’m going to try to my best to stay out of restaurants, including fast food ones, as much as possible. This way, I’ll cook more, have a kitchen that is stocked with more food, and I’ll be able to save a little more money.

Resolution #4 – Keep a $7000 Balance in My Savings Account

Rationale: I’ll be 27 in 2012 and I think I’m at a place when my finances should be a little bit more in order than they are. When I moved in April, I moved for a job that paid better. And, I’ve been enjoying that. But, I haven’t really been saving anything, which isn’t good. This year I’m going to try to save more, even though 2012 will be pretty expensive (weddings, trips, dental bills, etc).

Resolution #5 – Take More Pictures

Rationale: I’m never the picture-taker. I just never think of it. But I know that 2012 will be a really fun year, and I want to make sure that I capture all those fun memories. I’m also thinking of including a picture-centric feature on the blog next year, so pictures are a must.

Honorable Mention: Eat More Asian Cuisine 

Rationale: I'm currently with someone of Asian descent that has a love of Asian food. Like a serious love. And, I ... don't love Asian food. Okay, I don't really like it. I'm more of an American / Mexican food kind of gal. But, I think deep down it would mean a lot to Ray if I opened up my palate and tried more Asian food. So, next year, I'm going to really try to step out of my comfort food zone.

Note: This didn't make the resolution list mostly because I think it's more of a goal / aspiration, rather than a resolution. 


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