Friday, December 23, 2011

DIY Project: Cork Board

Whew! This week has been both invigorating and exhausting. I love that it's been a priority of mine all week to post. I love that you guys are reading the posts. And I love reading the comments and the affirmations that people are going to take these ideas and run with them.

I'm rounding out this week with one more DIY that I can't really take credit for. This idea was the brainchild of a Sunday brunch and too many bottomless mimosas. But, it was really all Ray. Sure, I collected the corks but it was Ray that went to Hobby Lobby and got the rest of the materials. Super sweet, I know. I came home from work one day and Ray was on the floor making it.

Here's what you'll need:

- Corks. I know, so obvious. But you'll need a lot of them. I had a pretty hefty collection on my own, but I had also gotten a bag from a wine bar AND from the brunch place.
- A chalkboard. The one Ray used was approximately 2' X 3'.
- Craft glue. (Don't use Mod Podge here, use something that's good with fabrics and things like that).
- A knife. 

After that, you just kind of have at it. You obviously want to show the names of the wines. One of the things Ray did was cut some of them in half to vary things. If you're a red wine drinker, you'll like this because you can showcase the parts of the corks that are dyed red. Also, if you happen to fancy prosecco or champagne (for those brunches where you just can't leave the house), use those corks too. You can cut them short-ways and incorporate them.

Here's the final product:

You like? 

Now, Ray didn't count the number of corks before getting started but I had a ton to start off with and they were all used. And we didn't have enough to finish it off. But, what's cool is that it's a chalkboard underneath and that space can be used to write something cute and quippy. I've also started another collection and have the option to fill it in soon.  I'm not sure what I'll do. 

Welp, that's that. I've had a good time writing these and I hope you guys have fun reading them. Happy Holidays! 


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