Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Kitties on Sandwiches and Teen Mom

Last week, in a blog about my return to yoga, I talked about how I wanted to write a cute blog that involved my cats being well, cute. Well the long-anticipated day is here, folks.

This blog is two-fold. Let's start with Paisley.

So, the other day, I went home for lunch and grabbed food on the way. So, I'm sitting on my couch watching my usual MTV / Bravo awfulness and Paisley starts doing this:

I know. Presh. What in the world could he be looking at? This:

My half-eaten tuna sandwich from Subway. What a cliche thing for a cat to do. Well when I get back home at the end of the work day, this is what I come home to: 

Someone realllllly wanted that sandwich. What a little shit.

Now, we all remember Augie, right? Well here he is stink-eying me later that same night:

"You're ridiculous. Why are you even humoring yourself? You're so not going to be productive right now. Do what you always do and watch more MTV." 

So I did. I watched the Teen Mom premiere. And even though Augie told me to, this is what he looked like at about 3 minutes in to the show:

This is him at about 15 minutes in:

Again, presh.

I love this guys.


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