Thursday, December 8, 2011

It Started with a Scale: My Return to Yoga

So, I had this super-cute post planned for Food & Wine Wednesday, but I didn’t get to it last night. It’s really a shame because it involved Paisley being pretty darn cute. As cute as a 16-pound cat** can be, that is. But, now it’s Thursday and that post will have to wait for another day. But here’s a little story: 

Ray is extremely thoughtful and generous. Ray also knows me really well – well enough to know the things that I need and / or want but would never remember to buy. Well on Tuesday, Ray told me a surprise, non-Christmas gift was about to be delivered. And Ray also said, “When you open it, do not think I’m trying to tell you something. I’m not sending you a subliminal message with this. Don’t worry.”

“Oh, shoot.” pretty much sums up my feelings as I open up this huge box. What was in the box you ask? A scale.

Right. My thoughts exactly.

I love Ray, a lot, and the scale is really, really nice (super thin, greenish glass top), but geez!

So, I do what any normal girl would do. I open it, promptly stand on it and prepare to hear the bad news. The news = 107.2 lbs. I know, I know. I suck. But let me say this when I was in the midst of my Bikram Yoga Challenge, I was about 6 pounds lighter. But, since I finished the challenge, I’ve … embraced the following:
  • Wings from Hooters
  • Sleeping in
  • Copious amounts of alcohol (beer, liquor, and far too much red wine)
(I think we’ve found the source of the extra poundage, people.) 

So, (after whining and asking for assurance that I was not “plump”) I went in my room and packed a bag. I was going to 6AM yoga the next day. And you better believe on Wednesday morning, I was there. Terrified (I haven't been the entire month of November), but bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And this morning, I went again. Less terrified, but also much less bright-eyed. During those two classes, I realized that I miss it a little bit. So, now, I present to you ... 

Five Things I’ve Missed About Bikram Yoga
  1. Having more energy. Now, I know that a couple paragraphs ago, I whined about feeling plumper than usual. But, the real reason that I started yoga / being physical was for the extra energy. When I don’t work out, it’s noticeable harder for me to get out of bed. Doing Bikram also keeps me from eating super crappy, which helps with the energy level too.
  2. The warmth. Earlier this week I posted about how cold it was and how much I loathe being cold. Well, a Bikram yoga room is heated to 105 degrees, give or take. And when it’s 28 degrees outside, it’s heaven. Heaven in a very stinky room, but heaven nonetheless.
  3. Feeling accomplished. On the days that I go to yoga, I feel like a badass. I feel like a badass because I’ve gotten so much done. I’ve woken up, worked out, and I make it to work on time. And that’s before 8AM. It’s awesome. Nothing beats it. Seriously. If you can get over your alarm going off at 4:50 AM, then you should definitely consider switching to early morning workouts.
  4. Every day is different and every day is the same. During a Bikram yoga class, regardless of the teacher, regardless of the time of day, you do the exact same 26 postures (asanas). It never fails. They are even in the same order. And, as a person that gets anxious about uncertainty, I love this. I love being able to know what’s going to happen next. I also love the that every day is different. Some days, I am a rockstar. I’m not kidding! Like, I’m just moving through each posture, like it’s a breeze. But there are some days that I look drunk or something. I can’t keep my balance, I can’t focus, it’s brutal but I still love that the class has that novelty, after all this time.
  5. The mini-triumphs. Bikram yoga is full of mini-triumphs. Almost every class I go to, there will be something that I do really well. On Wednesday, I rocked this posture out, and was super proud of myself.

(photo courtesy of Bikram Yoga San Antonio) 

On Thursday, this is one that I did excellently, if I do say so myself.

(photo courtesy of Bikram Yoga San Antonio) 

So that’s that. To sum it up, I got a scale and then I went to yoga. And then I reminded myself about how I actually really love and miss this feeling: 

This picture was taken after I finished my 60-day challenge. I got to sign the wall. Doing so filled me with this unwavering feeling of accomplishment and awesomeness. 

** The reason I know how much Paisley weighs is because, after weighing myself, I picked him up, weighed him, and then did the math.

He was not happy with me.


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