Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby, It’s Cold Outside (And I Want to Sit on My Couch and Watch TV All Day)

I can’t stand being cold. I cannot handle being cold. I turn into a 26-year-old baby in the cold. Like, I’m cranky and whiny and I let everyone in my office know that I am cold. Including the company call center, because that’s who you have to contact to initiate a work order to get the thermostat adjusted in my office. Believe it. Someday I will blog about the ridiculous of working in corporations.

That being said, I resist the urge to take a picture of my car’s thermostat, or screenshot the weather from my iPhone like this:

I resist the urge because it’s cliché. I also resist the urge to post status updates like this:

“insert picture of my car’s thermostat”
“insert statement about how flippin’ cold it is today”

Those are becoming cliché, which is no good either.

I think about it and I feel it in my heart (and my frigid hands) but I resist.

So I will take a few minutes to tell you, my wonderful blog readers that I’m cold. And that I really hate being cold. And that, come lunchtime, I will be getting in my car and blasting myself with delicious car heat on my way to wherever I decide to eat today.


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