Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DIY Project: Paint Sample Coasters

Happy Hump Day a.k.a. Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve-Eve!

In honor of Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve-Eve, here's yet another super easy, super fun DIY: Paint Sample Coasters!!

I made these for Britnee and Lindsay, and Sean. And myself. I made a set of EIGHT for myself. I have no idea why. I have never had eight people in my apartment. EVER. I have a problem.

Now at first glance this DIY seems kind of random, I know. I mean, who would think, "Let's go to Lowe's / Home Depot and grab some ceramic bathroom tiles. Then, let's hover around the paint section trying to look inconspicuous as we rifle through all the paint samples." Apparently tons of people. Step-by-step instructions were all over Pinterest.

Here's some pictures of what they look like. I will apologize in advance for the blurriness. I don't know what was going on last night. I expect more from my iPhone. Come on, Apple. Get with it.

I am obsessed with the fact that the top color is "Crab Bisque." 

Middle color = Country Club. 

The top color is "Hot Chocolate" and the bottom color is "Molasses." Hehehe. 

And here's the whole motley crew from my place.  

If you're trying to be thrifty, this is the DIY for you. Here's what you'll need:

- Ceramic bathroom tiles (10 cents / each)
- Mod Podge (about 6 bucks (but it'll last forever))
- Clear acrylic gloss coating (it's sold in the spray paint area of your craft store)
- Felt ($1 / four pieces)
- Paint samples (free as can be!)
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun

Now, I did not take any pictures of the process, but here's the step-by-step instructions I used.

A couple tips:

- Make sure to find ceramic tiles that do NOT have beveled or rounded edges. It will make life more difficult because the paint sample will be reluctant to lay on the tile flat. They should look like this:

No ... that's not a glass of wine. Nope. Not at all. 

- Use the felt to make a backing for the coasters. Just use your hot glue gun to affix the felt to the back of the tile.

I totally recommend this for your friends. They'll love them.


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