Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Dead Battery, A Pet Violation, and an Awful Trip to the Dentist

This Tacky Tuesday was NOT a tough one to write. I have enough material from Monday evening / Tuesday morning to write for days. But I won't. Instead, I'll tell you about the events, and the silver linings within each of these events.

Let's get started:

1. I killed my car battery by leaving it on for three hours after my lunch break on Monday. I also didn't know that a jump is not an automatic fix. That is, if you're like me and your car has the same battery that it's always had when you bought it, it probably will not survive this unfortunate event. But, rest-assured AAA will eagerly come to your rescue and give you a fresh new battery (once you hand them $99.

Silver Lining - I learned something about cars. And, Tony, the AAA guy, was super nice and made the entire event far less painful.

2. When i finally got to head home from work, I found a "pet violation" notice on my door. Wondering why? Well, my apartment charges $300 PER PET. This is not refundable. More than that, that is just wayyy too much money. When I moved in, I figured I'd make sure Paisley and Augie kept a low profile and all would be well. Nope. The pest control guys came to my apartment last week when I was at work and sprayed. I'm assuming that the cats were all over them and they told the front office. And today, I got the pleasure of writing a $300 check to them. The other $300 is due at the beginning of next month. Ugh. (Now I'm out $400 in case you're keeping track.)

Silver Lining - My cats can go outside for a bit without fear they'll be found out. Every cat loves a little grass from time to time. And, they could even meet the Siamese stray cat, that I know they've been dying to be friends with.

3. Bright and early this Tuesday morning, I got to go the dentist. Yay. Please note the sarcasm. It blew. Now, I'm not being a baby. This wasn't your run-of-the-mill filling, or even a root canal. This shit makes grown men cry. It also made me cry. It's so gruesome, I won't share it. But, know that it's all better and hurts far less than it did while it was happening. (If you're still keeping track of my finances. The dollar amount mentioned above more than quadrupled.)

Silver Lining - Today was one of the best days ever. Something happened to me that made my mouth immediately stop hurting. It made me know that everything, from this point forward, was going to be okay. It was going to be better than okay. It was going to be amazing.

(Blogger's Note: I apologize for the cryptic nature of that last bit. If you know me, you know what the last silver lining refers to. If not, ask and I'll probably tell. I'm still working on how to maintain someone's anonymity and bare my soul on the World Wide Web.)


Anonymous said...

I don't know how I feel about this new font, Jonna.

Anonymous said...

...But I appreciate your ability to see the silver linings. :)

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