Monday, November 21, 2011

Three Songs That I'm (Semi)Embarrassed to Admit I Know Every Word To

Right this second I’m sitting in my car, with the seat scooted all the way back, typing my Media Monday blog. Why you ask? Because I am a scatterbrained, absent-minded soul who leaves her lights on when returning from lunch. My battery is dead. Like dead-dead. Like I paid AAA $99 dollars for a brand-new battery.

If we’re being honest, I inadvertently left them on because I was having wayyy too much fun singing “Hey, Soul Sister.” I’m not even lying. I was jamming out.

With this extra hour of time on my hands, I’ve decided to write about music for today's Media Monday. Specifically, I decided to bare my soul and tell you about three songs that I am semi-embarrassed to admit that I know every word to. EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.

1. Barenaked Ladies – One Week (

Back when this song came out, I thought it was so cool. I had just crossed over from the R&B channel to the Top 40 station and I thought that I was “hardcore” and listened to really cool “alternative" music. While I loved it at the time, in hindsight I don't know why I would think any group that came up with these lyrics was even remotely cool:

Chickity China the Chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin' ...

... Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic
Like Sting I'm tantric
Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisfy ...

... Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon
'Cause the cartoon has got the boom anime babes
That make me think the wrong thing ... 

2. Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl (

Now this song was my foray into the country world. And, man, I thought these chicks were cool. They were the best of friends. The type of friends that would literally kill the dude that hurt their friend. That is so hardcore. And ballsy. They killed the dude. With poisoned black-eyed peas. (Then, the went and opened up their own roadside stand. They sold Tennessee ham and strawberry jam, in case you're curious.)

Take a look at this gem of lyrics:

... Those black eyed peas
They tasted alright to me Earl, 

You're feelin' weak?
Why don't you lay down and sleep, Earl
Ain't it dark, wrapped up in that tarp, Earl?

See what I mean? Ballsy. 

3. Christina Aguilera - Ven Conmigo (Solamente Tú) (

This ... Is the Spanish version of "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)". Allow me to explain. Back in 1998ish, I bought the CD single of the previously-mentioned hit. Back then, you buy the single for two or three bucks and you get like four different versions of the song. One of which just happened to be in Spanish. Now, the song, in English, is great. It came out during Christina's prime (before the Dirty album, before the baby, before messing up the National Anthem, and before the chunk).

So, for some ungodly reason, I took it upon myself to learn the song, in its entirety, in Spanish. (I guess I don't really have an explanation after all ... ) At any rate, here is one of my favorite excerpt:

Es hoy la ocasion
Tengo listo en corazon, vienes tu, oh
Ya la fiesta comenzo
Bailaremos sin control, oh, oh

Roughly translated, I think Christina is trying to say: "Today is the day. My heart is ready. The party is starting. Let's dance all crazy."

Not bad, huh? That's where four semesters of college Spanish will get you.

If you are bold enough to share your semi-embarrassing tunes, please do so. Don't make me embarrass myself all alone.


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