Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Glass-Fusing: Part Two

The momentous day is here, people!! I got my glass fusing project back the other day!

For those of you who don't remember, (or maybe never read the first blog) here's the before:

And here's the after!

Isn't it pretty?!?! I absolutely love it. And now, I may have one expensive hobby on my hands. Below are more pictures of my work.

This one I love because it shows how the layers of glass can really alter the final shape of the piece. What was initially a perfect square of clear class became jagged and, for lack of a better word, bumpy on the top and bottom edges.

 The mold that they put it in makes it this shape. It's supposed to resemble a sushi dish. For me, it makes an excellent jewelry-that-I-wear-almost-everyday-holder.

See? :)


Anonymous said...

Ooo! That's neat. I love it!

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