Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kitties and Ice Cream

Last night, I was sitting on my couch watching Survivor (do not judge my reality TV choices) and I thought to myself, man, I really want some ice cream. So, I went to my freezer and grabbed this:

And, before I could dig my spoon into the deliciousness, this appeared:

That is Paisley. My eldest cat. And he is awesome. Look at that nose. And I think he takes after me and my love of sweets.

Anyway, whenever ice cream is in the picture, this usually happens:

And, I can't help but share. Who can resist that nose?!

Oh, but wait, Augie, the little brother of Paisley, can't help but join the fun. First, he sniffs ...

 ... then, he unabashedly licks away.

Isn't he just an all-gray ball of preciousness? I freakin' love him. And Paisley. I love them both. More than my Ben and Jerry's.

(Blogger's Note: I realize this post makes me seem like a gigantic cat lady. I should care, but I just don't. Those two kitties are my kids. Ugh, now I sounds like more of a cat lady!)


Sean Robles said...

I’m glad you added your “blogger’s note” because I was kind of worried you didn’t notice. Either way, I love you.

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