Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Sumday: Glass, the Dentist, and Way Too Much Mud

Weird title, huh? Allow me to explain.

I love my blog. I've posted 10 whole blogs over the past month and a half or so. (Please hold your applause for that massive accomplishment.) While writing those blogs, I realized that it's really hard to come up with blog topics, especially if you're feeling a little "blah" and / or feel like "nothing interesting if going on." And, I remembered that I'm the kind of girl that likes structure and order. My apartment may not drive this point home (because at this very moment it looks like it's been ransacked), but I really love certainty and plans and things like that.

So, with the help of a couple of my best buds, I came up with blog "themes", if you will. Here goes:
  • Sunday Sumdays - These are posts devoted to writing about the highlights (and inevitable lowlights) of the past week. 
  • Media Mondays - Here will be blogs focusing on the movies, music, and TV shows I'm currently obsessed with. 
  • Tacky Tuesdays - The plan here is to post blogs that discuss things deemed tacky (e.g. annoying, lame, sucky, etc.) 
  • Food&Wine Wednesdays - This is simple enough, I'd say. Just blogs and posts about recipes, delicious bottles of wine I've tried, etc.
  • Fab Fridays - This is the antithesis of Tacky Tuesdays. Here's where I'll talk about things (anything) I just love and can't get enough of.
You'll notice Thursdays and Saturdays are left off the list. These are freebie / free-for-all days, meaning that some days I may be blogging about random stuff that doesn't fit any of these molds or I'll be taking the night off from blogging entirely. A little "me" time goes a loooong way, people.

Now that that's out of the way (if you're still reading) here's my first Sunday Sumday post:

The first thing that comes to mind is WARRIOR DASH, which was this past Saturday. I briefly mentioned it a couple posts ago. I believe I said something about how I petrified of the race. Believe me I was. I won't get into it here because there will be a separate post on the Warrior Dash soon, but here's a little teaser: a picture of me. After I crossed the FINISH line.

Believe it.

Last Thursday, Britnee and I went to the glass-fusing place. It was her first time to go but I've been before. That experience was documented here. We made a Christmas-esque creation this go-around. Here's the "before" shot of mine:

You like? I like. The final product will hopefully be ready for pick-up in a few days. 

Last Tuesday, I got to see my friend Laurie. TWICE. This is a big deal because we don't live in the same city. Laurie is one of my very best friends. I've know her since my sophomore year of college. We lived together for three years. We were in the same sorority. And we are the kind of friends that have maintained our friendship throughout all of the undeniably growing you do from the ages of 19-26.  

Oh I almost forgot, I also went to the dentist this week. Yay. And dentists have an uncanny way of making you feel like a pretty crap human being because you maybe don't floss regularly, and maybe you have a tendency to eat sweet stuff before passing out for the night while watching Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy. (It happens to me about 5 times a week. No judgment.) Bitches. Anywho, they handed me a hefty "treatment plan" and an even more hefty (heftier?) bill. Sigh. Gotta love it.

Well, I'm soo pumped about this coming week. It's a short work week. There will be lots and lots of food. And I get to see my family, which I don't do enough.

And, I have a visitor that should be touching down in San An in circa 36 hours. This visit is way overdue. So pumped.


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