Monday, July 30, 2012

"It's Just Not About Chicken."

When it comes to Chic-fil-a, if someone is bold enough to state their stance on Facebook, they take one of two positions.

There are individuals that vehemently denounce the company. These are the people that simply cannot be a patron to a company with views that differ so sharply from their beliefs, values, and / or lifestyle.

Then, there are those individuals that maintain that those chicken sandwiches and sauces are just too darn delicious and it is silly to think that a boycott would curb the company's sales in any way. And besides, why are you surprised, the company is from the South. They were founded on Christian values. And by golly, they aren't even open on Sundays which, by the way, is the day when you crave waffle fries something fierce. (For the record, this is them talking, not me ...) 

These two schools of thought will never agree. Thank goodness they aren't having this disagreement face-to-face because that's just a fight waiting to happen.

However, what I will carry with me once this bickering subsides is this:


Now, once you move past the adorable factor of these advertisements, pay attention to the message, the spirit of these ads. These ads say, we don't support close-mindedness of any kind. We embrace differences. We want to make sure that the children's lives that we touch know that they are loved and accepted no matter what. They are rooting for those young, fearful kids that are figuring out who they are right now. 

But it's not just the Sesame Street gang that's rooting for a brighter future for our world's future.

Look at these other print ads from companies you might know, love, and patron. 

Allstate Insurance Company (Source)

 General Electric (Source)

JCPenney (Source and Source

Nabisco, a Division of Kraft Foods (Source)

Kaiser Permanente (Source)

Target (Source)

Chevrolet (Source)

Wells Fargo (Source)

Our world is changing and evolving. We are starting to live in a world that doesn't just tolerate differences, but accepts them. This isn't everything. This doesn't mean that our world is a hate-free place to be. It doesn't mean that awful things don't happen. But, it's a start. And, I'll happily take it. 

I'll end on a personal note, I am an individual that loved what Chic-fil-a had to offer, food-wise. But, the fact remains that their beliefs are such a sharp departure from mine, I will no longer visit their establishments.

It's 2012, and I believe that we have to start changing and evolving with the world around us. Get your chicken sandwiches and your waffle fries elsewhere.


Sean Robles said...


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