Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"I Have Writer's Block."

I have writer's block, I think. I have all these stems of ideas, but every time a blog starts to take form, I get too in my head to finish them and publish them. Or, I get too into the heads of my millions of readers (please note the sarcasm) and stop writing. So, to break the writer's block, I'll just start writing out some of those stems. Don't expected any real connection between the next few items.

1. Today, after work, I came home, ate some dinner, watched "Heartburn," (the Nora Ephron film starring Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson) and then tidied up around my home. And, it was incredibly satisfying. I'm fed, my romantic comedy hunger has been fed, and my apartment is clean and smells of candles and Glade Plug-Ins.

2.Similarly, me weekend was fulfilling and and thoroughly enjoyable. I had the kind of weekend where you actually emerge rested and ready for the week. I mean, as ready as you can be about an impending 40-hour work week.

First, we lucked into a wine tour. The wine? Eh. The experience? Fabulous.

And, we watched 5 1/2 movies:

  • Single White Female -- I had never seen it, it's a piece of work. In a good way. 
  • Crazy Stupid Love -- I've seen it probably 5 times. Ray and I both own it. We both love it. It's the movie that made me fall in love with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone at the same time. 
  • The Vow -- Channing Tatum. I can't get enough of him. I've loved him since Coach Carter. I don't care at all that his actor is mediocre at best. 
  • Being Elmo -- A recommendation from a friend. Such a cool documentary about the guy who operates Elmo. 
  • Life as We Know It -- One of my new favorite rom-coms. 
  • 1/2 of I Love You, Man -- Hey, it was late and I had made my way through two-thirds of a bottle of wine. 
Oh, and we saw a double rainbow.

Which made me think about this video, which made me laugh. 

3. I have a theory about 20-somethings and jobs. I don't know if we'll ever been truly happy. I think we spend so much time thinking, dwelling, and working toward our future careers that when we luck into something that is a good career-esque job we start to question things. Is this what I was working toward? Is this the lane that I should be in? Aren't I supposed to love waking up and going to work every single day?

Maybe, maybe not.

What I'm hoping is, you don't have to love your job, but you have to have passion in your life. You have to have something that excites you, exhilarates you, and makes you feel alive. And wherever it is that you happen to find that, live there. Marinate there. Exist there. And use your job as a tool that helps you do the things that really tickle your tooter.

4. Two Saturdays ago, Ray and I drank. A lot. Then, in an effort to continue my training, I said, "We need to go run a 5K." It was after noon. In July. In humid Texas heat. It was miserable. I walked. I whimpered. I was all-around pathetic. And slow. But, THIS morning, Sarah and I ran a 5K. And, this is what happened:

I didn't stop. And, I didn't whimper. I didn't take a century to finish. And, it felt awesome. It was the first time I thought to myself, "This half-marathon thing. Maybe I can rock this shiz out."

5. And now, I think I will congratulate myself with some bad summer programming (Big Brother to be exact), some wine, and some of this by my side:

I know, I can't handle it either.


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