Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Thursday Night Snack: Brownie in a Mug!"

If I had to list out the not-so-fun parts of living alone, one of the things that ranks high on the list is not being able to ever make desserts.

Now, I know, technically, I could make desserts. But here's how it usually goes: 
- Jonna makes a pan of brownies
- Jonna eats a bit of the brownies that night
- Jonna takes slivers from the pan of brownies every day until they are so hard they are inedible
- Jonna throws away 2/3 of a pan of brownies 

Well, thanks to Pinterest, I've found a workaround ... 

Brownie in a Mug! 

It's awesome because it is one-serving of deliciousness. Here's how you make it. 

1. Grab a mug. All my mugs are these tiny 8-oz things. But, lucky for me, when my friend Kale moved out after living with me, she left this massive 16-oz mug. If you have one of those, use it. If not, just watch your mug carefully, so that it doesn't spill over. 

2. Mix the following ingredients in your mug
- 1/4c. sugar 
- 1/4c. flour
- 2 tbsp. (unsweetened) cocoa powder
- pinch of salt 

3. Then add: 
- 2 tbsp. of olive oil 
- 3 tbsp. of water

4. Stir, stir, stir until its consistent. 

5. Then cook for 1 minute 40 seconds. 

6. Voila!! 

7. And because I can't leave well enough alone sometimes, I added this: 

It made something that was already good, better. 

I highly recommend this one. I'll bet you have almost all these ingredients on hand in your pantry right now. So, if you get a hankering for something sweet, this is the perfect quick, easy dessert for one. 


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