Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Is This a Humble Brag?"

When I started doing CrossFit, I did it because I wanted good abs. But, somehow I ended up with good legs. Good, muscular, hard-to-fit-into-jeans legs.

(Seriously, you should see me trying to get into my skinnys ... it's not pretty.) 

Lucky for me, I live in Texas, and will be able to wear shorts until at least October.

I know this borders on humble-bragging, but this post is to show you what I did Thursday night.

Using a post I found on the blog Hello Giggles (which Zooey Deschanel founded), I decided to take a pair of jeans I'll never wear again, cut them, bleach them a lighter shade, and make them my new favorite weekend shorts.

Here's what the looked like before:

They were good jeans, they just never made it into my normal jean rotation.
Not even for Casual Fridays at work. 

And here's what they looked like after:

I used to be all about the super-short shorts.
But these days, I love when shorts are in that in-between hoochie and Bermuda level). 

Yep. Still haven't gotten those abs. Despite the marathon training and the CrossFitting.

But, so cute right?! Just what the "runner's legs" ordered.

In case you'd like to make a pair for yourself, the crazy-easy tutorial is here.


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