Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The No-Niche Niche.

Over the past few months, I've turned into more of an introvert. I've learned to treasure the time I spend by myself and use that time to recharge, rethink, and reevaluate all things Jonna.

That's why I wanted to rebrand my blog. I wanted it to speak more truthfully and thoroughly about who I am and what I seek to do through this blog. I want it to tell my story. 

Here's the rub -- my story is all over the place. But, I don't want to limit that. I want to embrace it. 

I want to tell my readers about an amazing recipe they need to try AND tell them the funny thing that happened when I went to buy the ingredients. 

I want to talk about my relationship AND the new health regimen I'm starting to adopt. 

I want to discuss my cat food buying woes AND the Etsy prints I just ordered. 

So that's the new blog plan of action. 

Write a blog about my life as it comes. Simple? I hope so. 

One more thing. The name. The new blog name comes from Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved" and this lyric: 
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along... 
This lyrics embodies what I aim to do here. I want to capture all the beauty and rough stuff that life hands me. The hope is that, if nothing else, it documents my triumphs and my struggles. And if I'm really lucky, people will take a break from their life and share in the hot mess that is mine.


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