Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Early Morning Photo Shoot

I took this picture at about 5 a.m this morning.

My cat Paisley has a habit of climbing onto my back while I sleep and just hanging out. Sometimes, he makes biscuits. I sincerely love it.

True to form, I took about 10 other pictures, seeking out the "best" picture of us.

Here's that photo shoot.

My claws really need to be clipped, Mom. 

Ugh, I'm over you. 

Is it picture time?

Well in that case ...  
(He's trying to act like he doesn't care, but I know the real Pais.)


I gotta go!
Ain't nobody got time for that.

Blogger's Note: There's nothing like a 5 a.m. photo shoot to make you consider eye cream. Holy bags, Batman!


Unknown said...

waoooooooo nice.join us

michael james said...

your cat is looking cute.

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