Monday, January 14, 2013

Pinterest Success: Pork Carnitas

I have lesson plans to write (the semester starts in two weeks for me).

I have this weird allergy / cold thing going on. Scratchy throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, the whole lot. It's super sexy.

But, I also have this recipe from Pinterest that I found for Pork Carnitas. And LOVED it.

Yes, I eat dinner on my couch. Next to my laptop. And yes, I put my blueberries in a coffee cup. 
It was so good. Trust me, try it.

The only con of this recipe is the time it takes. It takes like three hours. You can read the original recipe  here, but here's my summary:

  • Combine all the ingredients in a Dutch oven and bring it to a boil. 
  • Place the Dutch oven in your oven. 
  • Wait two hours. 
  • Take it out of the oven, separate the meat from the rest of the stuff, pull the meat apart, and reduce the liquid. 
  • Put the meat in the reduced liquid.
  • Broil the meat on each side. 

I know you're thinking "ain't nobody got time for that." But take the time. It makes a ton of food. Ray and I split the cooked meat and I managed to make three (almost four) meals out of my half. Such good bang for your buck! 

So, do what I did. Go to brunch on Sunday. Pass out on your couch. Then wake up and cook so you don't feel like a complete hot mess. 

This is the perfect Sunday afternoon, post brunch haze dish to make. I speak from experience.

Happy Monday, everyone.


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