Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Week in Review: Winery Tour

Oh, the first week back from a wonderful, long weekend. It’s tough. It’s exhausting. It kinda sorta blows, right?

Oh, and to add another layer to the fun, it is the first week of the New Year. This means you have to go back to work and be productive AND you have to hold yourself accountable to all your overly ambitious New Year’s resolutions. Here’s how I fared:

Bikram Yoga Classes Attended: 4

I’m not saying I’ll be able to keep this up all year, especially when Ray comes to visit, but I refuse to screw up this resolution on the first week. So much so that I overslept, missed my 6AM class, and then went to a class after work.

Times I Ate Out: 7.5

I know. Not good. BUT, if it helps my case, Ray was in town until Tuesday morning and that accounts for 3 of those meals. The .5 is because my boss paid for lunch for everyone so I couldn’t resist, even though it was fast food.

Blogs Written:

New Year's Eve 2011: A Theory and a Dip

Five Songs That are Kinda Good Again

Here's how the rest of the week went:

  • As mentioned above, Ray left on Tuesday morning. Ray was supposed to leave on Monday afternoon, but because of a intercom malfunction everyone got bumped to another flight, which gave us another night together. 
  • I have developed a new fiery love. Of peanut butter and apples. So freakin' good that I don't even care that I'm about 20 years late on this. 
  • I only have about 60 pages left in The Hunger Games. It’s soo good I can’t stand it.
  • The guys at the dealership informed me that I had a nail in not one, but two tires. Strangely enough, it’s not the tire that consistently looks low to me. Either way, I’m out some dinero.
  • I spent Friday night at home, alone. I fell asleep on my couch watching Hulu at 9:30PM. It was glorious.
On Saturday, Eddie and I went on a winery tour. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be an absurd, drunken time. Surprisingly, we met all kinds of women who gave us their business cards and asked us to get in touch with them for this, that, and the other.

And in accordance with another resolution of mine, I took tons of pictures, making good on another resolution. Here are some gems. If you look closely, you can see the intoxication level rising.

We were born this way.

P.S. Our winery tour included this impulse buy. Best. Impulse. Buy. Ever.


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