Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Recipe: Andes Mint Cookies - Two Ways

Let me start by saying that I love Andes mints. I love the chocolate and mint combo. (I also love Olive Garden a little bit more because you get Andes mints there.)

Now, I know i sing the praises of Pinterest alllllll the time because they opened my world up to all the fantastic DIY crafty projects. BUT, Pinterest has also opened my eyes to some deliciousness.

Today's deliciousness comes in the form of Andes Mint Cookies.

You can find the recipe here. But, below are some of the pictures I took while making them.

Here's what you'll need to make these: devil's food cake mix, a box of Andes mints, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, and two eggs. 

The cookies will only need to bake for 6 minutes. While they were in the oven,  I furiously unwrapped all 28 mints.
The second the cookies come out, lightly press an Andes mint into the center of the cookie. 

Now, after about 5 minutes, if you touch an Andes mint, this will happen. Unapologetically lick it off.

Once the 5 minutes or so is up, grab a spoon and smooth the Andes mint, like this. 

This will happen ...

... prompting you to do this. Totally okay.

I'm sure you noticed that title said Andes Mint Cookies - TWO ways. Well, that's because I made these the night Ray came into town. And while Ray fell in love with the cookies, the cookies were a little rich. Ray is a wimp when it comes to chocolate, which I think is unacceptable (but that's just me).

Consequently, Ray went home and made another version of these cookies, with French vanilla cake mix. I didn't get to try them, but from what I hear they were just as good, and not nearly as rich.

Same ingredients, just switch out the cake mix.

This cake mix isn't as nice to work with, because it doesn't have water. To make life easier, roll them into about 1 inch balls. It'll also make your cookies all symmetrical and pretty. 

Someoneeeee didn't send me a final picture so this is about as good as it gets. I love how golden they look though. 

So there you have it. Andes mint cookies done two ways! Enjoy!!


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