Thursday, January 5, 2012

Five Songs That Are Kinda Good Again

The relationship that we have with Top 40 music is a never-ending cycle. It looks something like this:

- Top 40 finds a song for us.
- Top 40 plays it just enough for us so that we fall in love with the song.
- Top 40 sees our love as an invitation to play the song every 17 seconds.
- We begin to scream at our radio whenever we hear the first two notes of the song because it comes on every time we're in the car. Literally. Every. Time.
- Repeat with another song. And another. And another. Anddd another.

But, every once in a while, Top 40 radio is smart enough to know that they should stop playing the song, let us breathe for a while, and then they reintroduce it to us so we can love it again.

Guess what, guys? I have another list for you ...

Five Songs That Are Kinda Good Again

1. La Roux - Bulletproof 

Remember how catchy and techno-y this song was? Remember how we used to drive in our cars and belt out "This time baby, I'll beeeeee bullllllllletproof." Those days were fun. I miss those days. Come on Top 40. Please play THIS instead of LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem." 

2. Cee Lo Green - Forget You 

Such a good song. It kinda sounded like an old Motown-y hit, but it was a cool, new song, tailor-made for our generation. And, it gave us an excuse to sing expletives, which is always fun. When it came out, I couldn't get enough. But, eventually I got enough and had to switch to my iPod whenever Cee Lo started singing "I see you driving 'round town with that girl I love... And I'm like [bleep] you." But come on back, Cee Lo, I'm ready for you. But just this song. (I mean, let's not kid ourselves, that "Bright Lights, Bigger City" song was not good). 

3. Bruno Mars - Grenade 

I'm almost certain that if I could pick any male singer to sing to me, it'd be Bruno Mars. This is one of my favorite songs. It's a terrific ballad. It's so very intense. B. Mars not only offers to take a grenade for ya, but he says he'll throw his head on a blade for ya, AND jump in front of a train for ya. (Oh and he will take a bullet straight through his brain for ya). And I'll admit it -- I used to hold up my fake microphone and sing the climatic part of the song"... But darling I'd still catch a grenade for ya!" right there with Bruno. But then, Top 40 went and killed it and made me loathe every time I heard that first line. Top 40, I totally forgive you. Bring this song back and I'll bring my mic. 

4. B.o.B (ft. Hayley Williams and Eminem) - Airplanes 

Now for me, this song has almost everything I need to fall in love. It's hip-hop, but it has a soft melodic chorus. And it has Eminem. I love Eminem. A lot. And this is a song is one that I think everyone loved. So much so that I have distinct memories of some of my Facebook friends posting that memorable first line on their statuses: Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? 

Soo deep. At any rate, recently it's been creeping back into my airwaves and I love it! Keep it comin'. 

5. Ke$ha - Tik Tok 

I just love Ke$ha. So much so that I'll take the time to stylize her name in my blog. She is a beast when it comes to writing catchy, absurd songs. 

Example of Catchy Absurdity: 
I'm talking about everybody getting crunk, crunk
Boys tryin' to touch my junk, junk
Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk

Gotta love that Ke$ha.

So, is there anyone I missed? Who would make YOUR list of songs that are kinda good again? 


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Bulletproof!
The rest of them...still screaming at the radio.

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