Thursday, October 27, 2011

Three Reasons Why I Love Lady Gaga's Hair

This post isn't about why I love Lady Gaga's hairdo. It's about why I love Lady Gaga's song "Hair." But, in case you're wondering, this is my favorite Lady Gaga hairdo:

This is from the "Bad Romance" video. Her hair is just so simple, cute, fun, but still kind of sexy too. I'm jealous of it. And her really big doe eyes in the screenshot.

Anywho. Hair. The song. It was a single for one hot minute, but not as big as "Born This Way" or even "You and I" so some not-so-hardcore fans maybe haven't heard it. Here's why I love it:

1. The techno / pop fusion. I love that this song is poppy, but still has clear undertones and notes of dancy, techno music. The song begins with Gaga just singing. You begin thinking that this track is nothing more than your run-of-the-mill nice, fun, upbeat song. But, then it builds to this really great dancy climax. This is something that Gaga does this so well. She brings a techno, dance spirit to almost every song and makes that genre of music accessible to the masses. And the synthesized “free as my hai-ai-ai-air” lines don’t hurt. That part is so fun to sing and car-dance to.

2. The message. This song is not-so-subtly laced with the ever-popular Lady Gaga theme of “just be you,” “it’s okay to be you,” and “never stop being you.” Now, I think this message, while becoming a bit of a Gaga cliché is still amazing. Even in my mid-20s, I think that my peers and I (who are also in their mid-20s) still have days where we have trouble feeling comfortable in our own skin. And I figure, what better way to remedy that than blare this jam obnoxiously in your car? I mean Gaga’s message is bound to seep in eventually.

3. The lyrics. To me, all of the lyrics in “Hair” are good. But, the lyrics that make up this song’s bridge really take the cake. Lyrics have the ability to transport you back to a finite place in your life. This is because those lyrics embody everything that you were thinking, feeling, and experiencing at that time. I know years from now, when I decide to reminiscence and play my “old school” Lady Gaga "Born This Way" playlist, these lyrics will immediately transport me back to this time in my life:

I just want to be free
I just want to be me
And I want lots of friends that invite me to their parties

I don't wanna change
And I don't wanna be ashamed
I'm the spirit of my hair
It's all the glory that I bear
I am my hair

The past six months for me have been a time of transition and growth. I’ve moved and switched jobs during this time. I’ve had the fun task of developing new friendships and reestablishing and firming up old friendships. I’ve also had the not-so-fun task of making some difficult choices about who remains in my life and who doesn’t. All of this has forced me to grow into a better, ever-evolving version of myself.

The freedom that comes from maintaining your individuality and who you intrinsically are, even when it gets tough, is hard to do. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever strived to do. But, I know that once you manage to do it, you’ll be happier than you can imagine.

Here's the song's audio via YouTube -- listen around 3:25 to hear the excerpt I mentioned above.


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