Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Goals for This Week

There are all different kinds of goals. Big, lofty, long-term goals and basic, short-term, get-through-the-week goals. This post is about the latter.

I'll admit it. I've been a teensy bit lazy this week. Now, it's not like I haven't gone to work or fulfilled any of my central responsibilities. My cats are getting fed and bills still get paid. But, when it comes to eating right, or working out, yeahhhh ... sleeping in and laying on my couch with my kitties sounded a lot better.

So, I'm setting a couple goals to get back into the swing of things. Here are my goals for the week:
  1. Go to Bikram three times this week. Since I've finished my Bikram challenge, I've only gone to yoga like four times. I know, I know. How sad is that?! It's the exact opposite thing that is supposed to happen after you complete a Bikram challenge. 
  2. Run twice this week. This is new. This goal is because Mario, Courtney and I are doing the Warrior Dash in three weeks and I do not run. I definitely do not in mud. The post that is written after I complete the Warrior Dash will be a post you won't want to miss!
  3. Proofread the blogs I've written to date. Some of my friends have brought it to my attention that my blogs are somewhat a mess. Now while I am a hot mess, there's no reason my blogs should show that.
  4. Cook. I like cooking. I like cooking for other people. I like cooking for just myself. I like to look up recipes for what I can cook next. But sometimes, I just like to take the easy way out and grab something quick, easy, delicious, and greasy on my way home. Plus, no one likes washing dishes or the waiting part of cooking. Ugh. But, like I said people, I'm turning over a new leaf! Cooking will happen and new recipes will be posted. 
So that's that. I'll let you know how it turns out. Wish me luck!


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