Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"It's Enough For Me."

After I saw that President Barack Obama had won Ohio and thus was projected to win the presidency, I stayed up as late as I could waiting for a victory speech and a concession phone call. I was worried that even though it was projected that President Barack Obama would win, things might change while I slept.   

What if Romney was holding off on conceding because he wanted a recount?

What if the precincts that had yet to report could actually change things?

What if we had to hold off on announcing a winner for days or weeks while those affected by Sandy got their votes in?

What if hanging chads came back to haunt us?  

Lucky for me, nothing changed overnight.

I have refrained from posting anything on social media about the election. Facebook and Twitter have been dirty, ugly, hateful places for the past 6 months. Instead, I went to work doing what I could to make sure that if / when I voiced my opinions, they would be well-reasoned and well-founded.

I watched the debates with as unbiased an eye as I could.

I perused both liberal and conservative media sources.

I discussed the issues with my politically astute friends and family members.

I’ll admit it, back in 2008, I thought it would revolutionary, ground-breaking and just plain awesome if Barack won. He’d make history as the first African-American president and I’d be alive to see that historical moment.

But, in 2012, I was nervous. I was anxious. I didn’t know what should happen.

Does Barack Obama really deserve another stab at being president?

If he gets four more years, will anything really change?

What if he gets four more years and things get really, really shitty around here?

Even through these unanswerable questions, I stood firm in my vote. I knew who I was casting a vote for and I knew why I was casting that vote.

I was voting for our president because I believe that he is on the right side of history. I believe that even though he is imperfect, has made mistakes, and hasn’t delivered on all of the change he promised years ago, I believe that he is leading this country in the direction that we need to be led in.

I believe that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is a step in the right direction for America.

I believe that the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is a step in the right direction for America.

I believe that the ending military involvement in Iraq is a step in the right direction for America.

And, as First Lady Michelle Obama said, I am voting for him for his character. I believe him to be a good person with good intentions.

I believe that our president is a man who ran for this office to make the world a better place for his wife, his daughters, and all other Americans.

I love that he is gracious, hardworking, tenacious, and well-spoken – qualities that are important to me.

And, like President Obama stated on his first campaign trail, “In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.” 

Maybe what I’m saying here still isn’t enough for you. But it’s enough for me.

I look FORWARD to the next four years.


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