Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Slow and Steady ... Finishes!"

I will never truly understand the human body.

When I was practicing Bikram Yoga (and completing my 60 day challenge), I learned that it could bend and twist and contort itself in ways that seem impractical and unnecessary.

Through CrossFit, I've learned that regardless of how small or feeble the human body seems, it can lift uncomfortable amounts of weights and be pushed beyond natural limits. CrossFit pushes you to your limit and makes you a better all-around athlete and human being.

Then there's long distance running. True long distance runners feel like they are "one with the road." They find "running" freeing. Things just don't feel right unless they've gotten a 5-mile run in. I'm the first people who will say I am NOT a long distance runner. Give me a WOD with 8 200M sprints and burpees and squats any day over a 13 mile run.

So, why I signed up for the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon, I'll never know. But I did.

Here's a chronology of the journey that Laurie and I embarked upon. this past Sunday. In pictures. Because that's more fun.

Look at us. So happy. So ready. So NOT perspiring yet.

We were slowing down up until we spotted Ray who had finished the bike tour hours ago.  

What the #$%& was I thinking? Who thought this sounded like fun?! I am drinking the shit out of some mimosas after this over. Don't we get a free beer?? Wheres my free BEER?!?!

We finished! 13.1 Miles!! Done-zo! Yay! 

Beer me!

Since then, I've been nursing sad, sore hip flexors and a  right ankle that weirdly prefers heels to flat shoes but I'm more than okay. I'm swelling with self-pride. I love what I was able to prove to myself and to others (but mostly myself). Running will definitely have a place in my workout regiment. Not sure how large, but it'll be there.

I've got the Austin 3M 1/2 Marathon on the brain for January and I'm so excited. Our time wasn't anything to write home about but that doesn't stop me from being so proud her and I am all that we did out there. I can't speak for her but I couldn't have done it without her. 

Thanks, Laurie.

Blogger's Note: Don't judge the obvious, belligerent use of copyrighted pics. I'll buy them, promise. 


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