Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"I Love Our Love the Most."

Our four year anniversary is tomorrow, October 3rd. And, after four years, and more ups and downs than I'll ever be able to totally recall, I can truly say, with my whole heart that I love our love.

I love the way we laugh hysterically when we are trying to remember our inside jokes.

I love how you let me order for you when we go out to dinner.

I love how you’ll have one courtesy glass of wine and wait patiently while I gleefully down the remainder of the bottle.

I love how we will never see world the same.

I love that you cook for me while I sit on the couch and watch terrible television.

I love watching you get mad at yourself when you realize you’re semi-interested in one of my terrible television shows.  

I love how you make me feel every time you say you’re mine.

I love how my messiness will never not drive you up the wall.

I love how you nag me incessantly about the things I procrastinate on (getting my car registration, filing a claim with my movers, folding my laundry).

I love watching you with the kitties.

I love that you have the kind of strength that every man wishes he had.

I love how you would rather take pictures of me being ridiculous with my friends than a picture of us together.

I love how you roll your eyes and say, “oh, my God” when you see tears streaming down my face during an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. (How you didn’t cry at this year’s season premiere, I’ll never know).

I love how my life is better because you’re in it. 

I love that you unabashedly think out loud about our future family and wedding.

I love your obsessive personality.

I love how you send my parents cards for birthdays and holidays.

I love that you’ve “affectionately” dubbed my long, winding stories Jonna stories and will listen to me and fake enthusiasm and interest.

I love that you never let me pity or victimize myself, even when I want to.

I love that you will support me in all I do, even if you wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.

I love your mean-spirited (but funny) comebacks. (EXAMPLE: Me: I hate you. R: No. You hate yourself.)

I love your brutal honesty.

I love your generous heart.

I love that there’s no hurdle we can’t overcome, especially distance.


Sean Robles said...

I love love. And I do love the fact that your anniversary falls on October 3rd, that magical Mean Girls day. Love you both!

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