Monday, September 24, 2012

"What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn't Fail?"

People ask that question all the time -- what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? The answer is simple -- anything, everything. You'd do it all. You'd live with reckless abandon. You'd never second-guess any decision. Ever.

That's the approach I'd like to take with my blog. To write about anything and everything. To stop writing post fragments on Post-Its, sticking them in my purse, never seeing them through. To stop envisioning a post and never writing it because "no one will care about that." I vow to write. Not to get page views, but to maintain a written record of my life. 

Sigh. Now that that's out of the way ... VEGAS!! 

So much fun. Full of drinking, laughing, inside jokes, gambling, dancing, heels, and memories. 

It was the kind of weekend that I know I will remember forever. 

But, I won't just remember it for the debauchery. 

For four fun-filled days, I was surrounded by some of the most intelligent, most thoughtful, and most hilarious young women in the world. 

Any group of ladies that can fluidly talk about politics, love, careers, and fun bags in one hungover brunch conversation are without a doubt women that should be friends for life. 


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