Monday, March 26, 2012

"Kansas City, Here I Come."

A picture-filled blog, for your viewing pleasure. 

Our first stop after I de-planed. 

Remember how in my last post, I said I wanted to take a pic at the Kansas / Missouri border. This is it. (The border is a river). 

It was fantastic. 

A few glasses of wine and some bread pudding at a wine bar. 

We got soo lucky with the weather. 

Such a cool photo. Thanks, Ray. 

Kansas City's Power and Light District. The coolest thing about this city. In the middle of the city, there is a collection of restaurant, bars, and clubs. At night, they close it off to anyone not 21, put a DJ in the middle, and it's a drinking / partying / dancing free-for-all. Prime people watching locale. 

Oh, and you can take your drinks and walk around with them. Which is exactly what I did. With wine. Of course. 

By the way, did you know that in Kansas they raise Christmas trees? Here's little baby Christmas trees that will soon be crammed into your homes and adorned with colorful things. 

See? You learn something new everyday.


Sean Robles said...

So remember when I told you I freaked out because your link for Jonna not Joana didn’t work anymore?...yeah, this is me catching up. Loved this one. Super jelly!

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