Friday, March 23, 2012

"It's a Weekend of Firsts."

One: I’ll be flying Southwest Airlines for the first time.

I know this is kind of lame, but I’ve never flown Southwest and I’ve always wanted to. (I dream big, people). Whenever Ray and I travel, we tend to end up on Delta flights. But, because of where I’m going, I get to fly Southwest.

Two: I’m going to Kansas / Missouri.*

I’ll be there tonight! Some people may think, “Oh, you’re going to Kansas City … neat.” But Ray is there and, even though it’ll be a short trip, I know it’s going to be tons of fun, and just what the two of us need after a month apart.


(You have to say it like that.)

We bought tickets early. 

We bought t-shirts to wear to the movie. 

And, last night, when I was packing for my trip, I Googled “what color are mockingjays?” 

Here’s my thought process:
Mockingjays = Birds
Bird = Feathers
I should wear a pair of feather earrings to the movie!!

(By the way, the jury is still out on the color of mockingjays’ feathers. Some say black and white and some say silver-ish. I packed the black pair.)

Anyway, I’m so excited for the weekend. It’s going to be 48 blissful hours.

*Technically, Ray lives in Kansas, but it’s painfully close to Missouri so we’ll be splitting our time between the two. Ray doesn’t know it yet, but I want to be all “Walk to Remember”-esque and put one foot in each state and be in two places at once.

I'll let you know how it goes. Have a good weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

i'm just blog walking. Nice to stopped here

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