Thursday, April 26, 2012

"I Just Hate Moving."

When I started this post, here was my thought process: 

- "Man, I never blog anymore. I kinda suck." 
- "Well, it's okay. You can't blog at work anymore because you're actually having to work. That sucks." 
- "Well, even with my free time, I've been spending a lot of my time setting up my moving arrangements."
- "Maybe I'll blog about how much moving sucks." 

Then, I started writing about how much moving sucks. And how it's expensive. And how I suck at packing. And how I still don't have any boxes. And how I'm afraid my movers won't ever show and my cable won't get installed and the entire moving process will be awful. 

But, all that blog would do is stress me out and bore the living daylights out of all of you. 


Instead, I decided to find the silver lining in moving. 

Sure, moving is like a fresh start for your material possessions. You can place your things juuuuuust so. 
You can make sure that mirror is at your eye level. You can find a good place for your potholders. And, you can rearrange your DVDs by genre this time, and not alphabetically. Now, as much as I hate unpacking, I thoroughly love that moment when you are finally unpacked. When everything is in its place and you can finally just be in your home. It's awesome. You can breathe again. 

Moving is also an opportunity for a psychological new start. I've moved a lot over the past few years. And, I feel like every time I move to a new place, it's like moving into a new phase of life. When I first moved to San Antonio a year ago, I felt like it marked the end of my quarter-life crisis. I had a hunch that I was going to get all my shit together when I moved. I knew it was going to be good. 

And, it was. 

I can't wait for my new apartment and I can't wait for what's next. I'll keep you posted. 


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